Roads, Sidewalks & Parking
Parking & Parking Passes
Parking in the Town of Aylmer is complimentary for 2 hours.
If your visit will be longer than 2 hours, you may wish to purchase a parking pass for Municipal Lots 1 & 2 (located directly behind Town Hall and the I.D.A.drugstore):
- Day Parking Pass $6
- Month Parking Pass $80
- 6 Month Parking Pass $250
- Full Year Parking Pass $460
Passes available for purchase at Town Hall during office hours:
Monday – Friday from 8:00 a.m – 5:00 p.m.
Payment of cash, cheque or debit is accepted
Parking passes are for use in municipal lots 1 & 2 only. They are not valid for street parking.
Parking Tickets
Within 15 days of the date of the alleged infraction, a motorist may choose one of the following options:
- Early Payment – Within 7 Days of Notice Date
Payable by mail or at Town of Aylmer 46 Talbot Street West Aylmer, ON N5H 1J7
Office Hours: Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (Holidays excluded) - Voluntary Payment – Within 15 Days of Notice Date
Payable by mail or at Town of Aylmer 46 Talbot Street West Aylmer, ON N5H 1J7
Office Hours: Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (Holidays excluded) - Trial Option
You or your agent must attend, in person, at 46 Talbot Street West Aylmer, ON N5H 1J7 within the times and days shown on the ticket to file a Notice of Intention to appear in court.
You or your agent must bring the ticket notice with you.
You cannot set a trial date by mail.
For your convenience and to save time, you may call the office in advance for an appointment.
Town of Aylmer 46 Talbot Street West Aylmer, ON N5H 1J7 519-773-3164
Office Hours: Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (Holidays excluded)
Online payment option coming soon.
Traffic and Parking By-Law
Winter Overnight Parking and Snow Removal
By-law 72-23 states:
No person shall, without authorization of the Chief of Police and/or the Director of Operations, park any vehicle on any street or highway within the Town of Aylmer, between the hours of 3:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m., between November 15th and April 15th inclusive unless specifically authorized within this By-Law.*
*Parking shall be permitted between the hours of 3:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. on the South Side of Anne Street from Caverly Rd to 200.0m Westerly between November 15th and April 15th.
Snow on Roadways
With winter’s arrival, the Town of Aylmer requests that all residents please refrain from depositing snow on the roadways when clearing snow from driveways, sidewalks etc. This action can interfere with the public’s safe and clear passage of a municipal roadway and is an offence under the “Provincial Highway Traffic Act” and a monetary fine. This action can also pose a potential liability issue with the homeowner if any accidents were to occur as a result of this illegal activity. The Town of Aylmer would like to thank you for your co-operation concerning this matter and look forward to serving you in the future.
It is an offence under the “Highway Traffic Act” to push snow onto any roadway. Snow must be placed on your own property, not on neighbouring properties or pushed across the street. Frozen snow piles create a hazard for motorized vehicles.
It is an offence under the “Highway Traffic Act” to push snow onto any roadway. Snow must be placed on your own property, not on neighbouring properties or pushed across the street. Frozen snow piles create a hazard for motorized vehicles