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Proclamations – November 2021

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November 14-20, 2021, Victims and Survivors of Crime Week

WHEREAS, each year Victims and Survivors of Crime Week is recognized to raise awareness of services and supports for persons harmed by crime and violence. This year’s theme is “The Power of Collaboration.”

WHEREAS, this week seeks to offer a greater understanding of victim issues and recognizes the tireless efforts of frontline victim services staff, advocates and professionals working in the criminal justice system who support and offer information and assistance to survivors.

WHEREAS, support for victims is imperative in an effort to help them through challenging and traumatic experiences and helps foster feelings of resilience and courage. Community support, advocacy and public demonstrations of support help promote the community’s capacity for compassion and provides the opportunity for open dialogue in understanding the impact of crime and violence on society.

WHEREAS, the Town of Aylmer is committed to community safety and the wellbeing of its residents.

NOW THEREFORE, I, Mayor Mary French, on behalf of the Town of Aylmer Council, do hereby proclaim November 14-20, 2021, as “Victims and Survivors of Crime Week” in the Town of Aylmer.

Signed Mayor French

Dated at the Town of Aylmer
in the County of Elgin
this 1st day of September 2021.

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