By-Law Enforcement
Purpose of By-Law Enforcement
- Develop and administer Aylmer’s By-laws by providing timely responses to By-Law complaints
- Educate residents and raise awareness of community standards and By-laws
- Enforce Aylmer By-laws to ensure compliance in a timely manner using a professional, non-biased approach avoiding the need for court action
- Investigate complaints, gather evidence and prepare evidence in court when called upon to do so.
- Confidential Municipal Complaint Form
The confidential municipal complaint form allows members of the public to submit bylaw complaints. Complaints are reviewed and responded to by the Town. If you submit a complaint, you will receive a follow up email when the matter is addressed. - Frequently Requested By-Laws
- By-Law Officer Appointments & Registry for the Town of Aylmer
Contact Town of Aylmer Staff
Chief Building Official/Facilities Manager
46 Talbot Street West, Aylmer, ON N5H 1J7
519-773-3164 ext: 4902