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Aylmer Settlement Area Boundary Expansion

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Aylmer Settlement Area Boundary Expansion

Historically, the Town of Aylmer has consistently faced challenges regarding an insufficient and limited land supply within its settlement area. The Town has relied on intensification and the development of a limited number of vacant properties to accommodate growth. The Town is further restricted in its ability to readily expand its settlement area boundary to address this issue, given that the Town’s settlement area boundary is the same as its corporate boundary. As such, any expansion of Aylmer’s settlement area would require inter-municipal coordination, and an acquisition of lands from the surrounding Township of Malahide.

In recent years, the Town of Aylmer has undergone two corporate boundary expansions to expand their settlement area and to accommodate growth. The Town is now in a position to consider a larger corporate boundary adjustment that would set a timeframe of growth beyond 25 to 30 years. The expansion of a settlement area requires an Elgin County Official Plan Amendment.

Phase 1 included retaining Stantec Consulting Ltd. to assist in the assessment of candidate lands for inclusion in the Town’s anticipated corporate and settlement area boundary expansion. The primary objective of this stage is to assess and summarize the Town’s existing conditions as they pertain to land needs, as well as position this work within the current land use policy framework and landscape.

Stantec prepared the background review and existing conditions report that was presented at the Regular Meeting of Council on August 14, 2024.

20240814 – Report PLAN 25-24 – Summary of Aylmer Settlement Area Boundary Expansion Background Memo

20240814 – Report PLAN 25-24 – Aylmer Settlement Area Boundary Expansion – Background Review and Existing Conditions Memo prepared by Stantec Consulting Ltd.

The following reports were reviewed to inform Stantec’s memo:

Town of Aylmer Land Needs Study, 2016

Elgin County Population, Housing and Employment Forecasts and Associated Land Needs Analysis, 2022

Town of Aylmer Growth Projections Update, 2024

Phase 2 consists of the development of a scoring methodology to score candidate parcels once they have been identified in subsequent phases. The scoring metholodgy will be based on a number of factors and criteria as outlined in the document below.

Draft Scoring Mechanism

Phase 2 also involves a public engagement session.

To view related materials and a recording of the October 3, 2024 public engagement session, click on the links below.

Town of Aylmer Settlement Area Expansion Scoring Mechanism Review

Map of Residential Development

Public Engagement Session Recording


Phase 3 consists of the assessment of potential lands for inclusion in the Town’s anticipated corporate and settlement area boundary expansion.

Phase 3 also includes a public engagement session. The purpose of the session if to review the scoring assessment of potential parcels for inclusion in the Town’s boundary. The scoring assessment of potential parcels will be on display in an open house format for the public to review and comment on.

To view related materials of the February 11, 2025 public engagement session, click on the links below.

Notice of Public Engagement Session

Parcel Scores – Aylmer Boundary Expansion


Stantec recommended an all-parties advisory group be established to assist the Town of Aylmer and the project team in the preparation of final recommendations and negotiations with the Township of Malahide.

The All-Parties Advisory Group (APAG) is intended to be limited in duration. The Group is recommended to ensure all entities are informed of the process. It will consist of representatives from Malahide Township, Elgin County, Town of Aylmer, Catfish Creek Conservation Authority, and the Elgin Federation of Agriculture.

Meetings will involve Development Parcel and Scoring Methodology, Candidate Parcel Assessment, and Recommendations and Discussions with the Township of Malahide.

At the Regular Meeting of Council on August 14, 2024, Mayor Couckuyt was named as the Town of Aylmer Council Member that will sit on the advisory group.

20240814-Report PLAN 26-24-Town of Aylmer Settlement Expansion Lands Assessment All Parties Advisory Group

20240814-Report PLAN 26-24-Town of Aylmer Settlement Expansion Assessment All Parties Advisory Group Terms of Reference

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town of Aylmer will hold a hybrid (in-person and virtual) public engagement session on Thursday, October 3rd, 2024, at approximately 5:00 p.m. with a public livestream available at The public is invited to participate in the hybrid public engagement session to provide verbal and written comments regarding the Town of Aylmer Settlement Area Boundary Expansion.

The Town of Aylmer has retained Stantec Consulting Ltd. to assist in the assessment of potential lands for inclusion in the Town’s anticipated corporate and settlement area boundary expansion. This project is currently in Phase 2: Develop Parcel Scoring Methodology, which includes this engagement session to receive feedback from the public and from property owners. The purpose of this meeting is to review the drafted scoring mechanism that will be used in later project phases to assess potential parcels for including in the Town’s boundary. The categories, criterion and scoring will be introduced through a presentation by staff from Stantec Consulting Ltd., with a question and answer period following the presentation.

Any person may attend the hybrid public engagement session and/or make written or verbal representation regarding the drafted scoring mechanism.

If you wish to attend the hybrid public engagement session virtually, please contact the Manager of Planning and Development by email or by phone by no later than noon on October 3rd, 2024, to receive an invitation to the meeting. Verbal comments for the hybrid public engagement session may be provided in-person or electronically. Written comments can be submitted by email to the Manager of Planning and Development or in-person to the Town Hall Office by no later than noon on October 3rd, 2024.

Draft Scoring Mechanism

*Attendees: Please enter through doors at 25 Centre Street (west entrance to Town Hall)

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town of Aylmer will hold a second (in-person only) public engagement session on Tuesday, February 11th, 2025, from approximately 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. The public is invited to participate in the second public engagement session to provide verbal and written comments regarding the Town of Aylmer Settlement Area Boundary Expansion, specifically related to the scoring of potential parcels.

The Town of Aylmer has retained Stantec Consulting Ltd. to assist in the assessment of potential lands for inclusion in the Town’s anticipated corporate and settlement area boundary expansion. This project is currently in Phase 3: Candidate Parcel Assessment, which includes this engagement session to receive feedback from the public and from property owners. The purpose of this session is to review the scoring assessment of potential parcels for inclusion in the Town’s boundary. The scoring assessment of potential parcels will be on display in an open house format for the public to review and to comment on.

Any person may attend the public engagement session and/or make written or verbal representation regarding the scoring assessment of potential parcels. Verbal comments for the public engagement session may be provided in-person or electronically. Written comments can be submitted by email to the Manager of Planning and Development or in-person to the Town Hall Office by no later than noon on February 11th, 2025.

Parcel Scores – Aylmer Boundary Expansion

2024-09-26 – Township of Malahide Comments

2024-10-02 – Mike Hutchinson Properties Inc. 


Population and growth studies undertaken by both Elgin County and the Town of Aylmer have identified insufficient lands within Aylmer to accommodate anticipated growth for the next 25–30-year period.


The minimum lands to meet the projected residential growth for the Town of Aylmer over is approximately 100 acres. Aylmer Council may propose a larger amount of lands in order to plan for growth over a longer horizon.

The potential size of land required makes this as one of the smaller boundary adjustments that has been considered within the province in recent years.


Boundary adjustments are not ‘land grabs’. The Town of Aylmer is not purchasing any properties. Ownership of any lands brought into the Town’s Boundaries remains unchanged. This is a change to only what municipality the land resides in.

The minimum lands to meet the projected growth for the Town of Aylmer is approximately 100 acres.


The Town of Aylmer’s small geographic footprint is uncommon in Ontario. The Town has pursued intensification and additional residential unit development. Such initiatives assist but are not adequate to address growth.

The amount of vacant available lands in Aylmer has decreased. Development on most available residential lands is either underway or in the planning phase. To ensure sufficient planning occurs for the future municipalities are required by the province to develop plans that address growth for a minimum timeframe of 25-years. This longer-term planning horizon is critical for municipalities to appropriately meet the needs of their communities.

There are no other clear options for Elgin County and the Town of Aylmer to address the projected growth for the Town of Aylmer.


No. The Province of Ontario directly intervened and ordered a transfer of land between two municipalities. The process and the negotiations and outcomes that were followed as unique and were directly related to the provincial and federal investments in the Power Co. economic opportunity.


The Town of Aylmer can provide a mix of housing and economic opportunities close to amenities.

As the Town has full servicing and can facilitate housing options that have higher intensification. This intensification is important for the preservation of farmland in Elgin County. This is because growth to support projected population growth can occur with less land being utilized.

Growth in Aylmer is important to broader regional economic development. In a recent Economic Development survey conducted by Elgin County local businesses noted housing and affordable rents as a high priority for recruiting and retaining employees.

Aylmer has affordable water and wastewater rates, and our fire protection services may also result in insurance savings to lands incorporated into our boundaries.

The Town of Aylmer can provide integrated communities with a high quality of access and livability. New growth would create neighbourhoods that link directly to our sidewalk, trail, and parks system and are close to amenities and shops.


Elgin County and the Town of Aylmer have identified a lack of available land for the anticipated growth to occur in Aylmer. It is important for all communities to address growth and housing proactively to address the on-going housing crisis.

The growth anticipated through a boundary expansion is unlikely to represent a solution to the housing crisis locally and may just achieve stability in housing and rental costs. Failure to undertake a boundary adjustment and growth planning would make the housing crisis significantly worse in East Elgin. This in turn would have negative impacts upon local employers.

Contact Town of Aylmer Staff

Manager of Planning and Development
519-773-3164 ext. 4915

Aylmer Settlement Area Boundary Expansion News and Notices

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