Construction Notice: 2024 Pavement Management Program
Construction Notice: 2024 Pavement Management Program
The Town of Aylmer will soon be starting pavement construction.
Projects Details:
Location: Fath Avenue – John Street South to Treelawn Avenue; South Street West – Park Street to Holland Avenue; Sydenham Street and East Street – Victoria Street to Talbot Street
Schedule: Tentative Start Date May 21, 2024; Anticipated Completion May 31, 2024
Scope: Curb Repairs and Milling and Paving of Asphalt Road Surface
Contractor: J-AAR Construction
Impacts During Construction:
Traffic: Traffic will be reduced at times. There will be select periods of time where driveway access may be restricted or denied. Advance notice will be provided by the contractor, if possible.
Asphalt “Tack Coat”: Tack coat is a thin coat of liquid asphalt that is applied (sprayed) between the new hot mix asphalt and the existing milled surface of the road to promote bonding. The tack coat is sprayed in front of the paving operation. If driven over, the tack coat can leave a black residue on vehicle tires/sidewalls and driveway surfaces. Please avoid driving on freshly applied tack coat and into private driveways.
Vibration: Construction equipment can cause vibrations. Please ensure you protect any valuables susceptible to damage.
Safety: Stay safe and avoid the work area during construction. Maintain a safe distance from construction vehicles entering and leaving the site.
Contact Information: If you have any questions about this project, please contact the Town’s Project Manager/Inspector: Terry Koning, C.E.T. 519-773-3164 ext. 4927 Email