The Town of Aylmer has a dedicated team of individuals to assist you with your needs. Please see the below contact directory.
You may also call the main line at 519-773-3164 to have your call redirected.
Town of Aylmer Contact Information
Business Hours:
- Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
- Closed statutory holidays
In Person
46 Talbot Street West Aylmer, Ontario N5H 1J7
By Phone
- Phone: 519-773-3164
- Fax: 519-765-1446
Social Media
Garbage and Collection Services
For issues with collection services, you can contact Miller Waste System at 519-668-0072
Staff Directory
The Chief Building Official/Facilities Manager oversees:
- Building Permits (Online Building Permit Application Form)
- By-law Enforcement (Confidential By-Law Complaint Form)
- Enforcement of the Building Code Act
- Municipal Facility Management
Contact Information:
- Phone: 519-773-3164 ext: 4902
- Contact the Chief Building Official/Facilities Manager
- Phone: 519-773-3164 ext: 4901
- Contact the Chief Administrative Officer
The Clerk/Director of Legislative Services oversees:
- Agendas and Minutes for Council and Committees
- By-Laws
- Commissioner of Oaths Services
- Communications
- Flag Raisings and Proclamations
- Freedom of Information
- Liaising with Council
- Lottery Licensing
- Marriage Licences and Civil Ceremonies
- Municipal Election
- Municipally Significant Event
- Records Management
Contact Information:
- Phone: 519-773-3164 ext: 4913
- Contact the Director of Legislative Services/Clerk
The Manager of Planning and Development oversees:
- Planning Applications (Deeming By-Law Application, Part Lot Exemption Application, Application to Establish Legal Non-Conforming Use, Minor Variance Application, Official Plan Amendment Application, Removal of Holding Symbol Application, Site Plan Application, Temporary Use Application, Zoning By-law Amendment Application)
- Zoning Certificate Request
- Settlement Boundary Expansion
- Development Charges
Contact Information:
- Phone: 519-773-3164 ext: 4915
- Contact the Manager of Planning and Development
The EECC/Parks Coordinator oversees:
- Municipal Facility Rentals
- Recreation and Programming
- Service Requests
- Special Event Agreements
Contact Information:
- 531 Talbot Street West Aylmer, Ontario N5H 2T9
- Phone: 519-773-5631
- Fax: 519-773-5755
- Contact the EECC/Parks Coordinator
Accounts Payable
- Phone: 519-773-3164 ext. 4986
- Contact Accounts Payable
Tax Collector
- Phone: 519-773-3164 ext. 4904
- Contact the Tax Collector
- Phone: 519-773-3164 ext: 4919
- Contact the Treasurer
The Director of Emergency Services/Fire Chief oversees:
- Facility/Business Emergency Contact Forms & Fire Safety Plans
- Fire Code Inspection Requests
- Fire Code Violation Complaints
- Public Education Requests
- Property File Search Requests
- Town of Aylmer Emergency Management Plan
Contact Information:
- Phone: 519-773-4905 (Non-emergency)
- Phone: 911 (Emergency)
- Contact the Director of Emergency Services/Fire Chief
- Phone: 519-773-3164 ext:4906
- Contact the Human Resources Manager
- Robert J. Swayze – Barrister & Solicitor
1847 Sandy Somerville Lane
London, ON N6K 5R1
Phone: 647-233-7000
Email: [email protected]
The Parks and Recreation Manager oversees:
- East Elgin Community Complex Facility Management
- Municipal Facility Rentals
- Parks and Recreation Facilities Management
- Recreation and Programming
- Service Requests
- Special Event Agreements
Contact Information:
- Phone: 519-773-5631
- Service Request Form
- Contact the Parks and Recreation Manager
- Phone: 519-773-3164 ext: 4914
- Contact the Payroll & Benefits Coordinator
- Contact the Town of Aylmer Police Service:
- Phone: 519-773-3164 (Non-emergency)
- Phone: 911 (Emergency)
The Director of Operations oversees:
- East Elgin Community Complex Facility Management
- Parks and Recreation Management
- Roads and Sidewalks Management
- Water and Wastewater Management
Contact Information:
- Phone: 519-773-3164 ext: 4918
- Service Request Form
- Contact the Director of Operations
- Phone: 519-773-3164 ext: 4904
- Contact the Deputy Treasurer/Tax Collector
The Manager of (Water) Operations oversees:
- Service RequestsÂ
- Streetlights
- Tree Management
- Waste Collection Agreement and Special Waste Collection Events
- Water and Wastewater Management
- Water Meter Requests
Contact Information:
- Phone: 519-773-4908
- Service Request Form
- Contact the Manager of Water Operations