Intersection Upgrades Talbot Street and John Street
Intersection Upgrades Talbot Street and John Street
The Town of Aylmer will soon be completing intersection and sidewalk upgrades to current Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) standards. The new sidewalk works toward the Town’s strategic priority to provide a safe accessible community, increase active transportation options, and improve pedestrian connectivity. It also aligns with Elgin St. Thomas Public Health’s mission to promote wellness, protect health, and prevent injury.
Project Details:
Location: Intersection of Talbot Street (Hwy 3) and John Street (Hwy 73)
Schedule: Tentative Start Date – August 21, 2023
Anticipated Completion – August 25, 2023
Scope: New concrete sidewalk ramps and pedestrian pushbuttons in corners of the intersection.
Contractor: ERTH Power Corporation
Impacts During Construction:
Traffic: Traffic will be reduced at times. There will be select periods of time where sidewalk access in the corners of the intersection may be restricted or denied for a few days during concrete curing.
Vibration: Construction equipment can cause vibrations. Please ensure you protect any valuables susceptible to damage.
Safety: Stay safe and avoid the work area during construction. Maintain a safe distance from construction workers and vehicles.
Contact Information:
If you have any questions about this project please contact the Town’s Project Manager/Inspector.
Town Project Manager/Inspector
Terry Koning, C.E.T.
T 519-773-3164 x 4927
The Town thanks you for your patience during this time of exciting transition.