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Notice of Complete Application & Public Meeting – ZBA01-22 – 196 Sydenham Street W

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PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aylmer has received a complete Application for Zoning By-law Amendment for 196 Sydenham Street West, Aylmer, and is hereby notifying the public in accordance with Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990,c.P.13, as amended.

AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aylmer will hold a virtual public meeting on Wednesday, March 16, 2022 at approximately 7:00 p.m. in a public livestream available at The public is invited to participate in the meeting and to provide verbal and written comments regarding this Application for Zoning By-law Amendment.

THE APPLICATION relates to the lands described as West Part of Lot 12 and Lot 13, Plan 74, S/S of Sydenham, E/S of Wellington (Town of Aylmer) and known municipally as 196 Sydenham Street West, Aylmer. A location map is attached to this notice.


The purpose and effect of the Application for Zoning By-law Amendment is to rezone the subject lands to recognize the existing multiple-unit converted dwelling and to permit an additional residential unit to be located in a detached accessory building. The subject property is located within the Medium Density Residential land use designation of the Town’s Official Plan and the Residential Type 2 (R2) Zone of the Town’s Zoning By-law.


Additional information relating to the application is available for inspection between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. weekdays at Aylmer Town Hall. Those interested in additional information regarding this application, including information about appeal rights, may contact:

Manager of Planning and Development

Phone: 519-773-3164 x4915 or Email

ALSO TAKE NOTICE that signed, written submissions shall be accepted by the Clerk prior to the public meeting and such submissions shall be available for inspection by any interested party.  If you do not attend or are not represented at the public meeting, Council may proceed in your absence, and you will not be entitled to any further notice of the proceedings. Copies of the decision are provided only to those persons making a written request for the Notice of Decision. There is a 20-day appeal period from the date of the decision, in which time the decision of Council may be appealed to the Ontario Land Tribunal.

DATED this 23rd day of February, 2022.

Josh Brick

Clerk, Town of Aylmer

46 Talbot Street West

Aylmer ON    N5H 1J7

Ph:   519-773-3164 Fax:  519-765-1446        

LOCATION MAP – 196 Sydenham Street West   


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