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Notice of Decision – A03-23 – 10 Spruce St E

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Owners:                        Eva Dyck

Applicant/Agent:           Trevor Benjamins, Cyril J. Demeyere Limited

Legal Description:         Lot 24 W/S Murray S/S Spruce, Plan 164 (Town of Aylmer)

Civic Address:               10 Spruce Street East

Roll No.:                       3411-030-0002-7500

Date of Decision:        Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Date of Notice:            Thursday, March 16, 2023

Last Day of Appeal:    Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Notice was given and a Public Hearing was held on Wednesday, March 15, 2023 as required by Section 45 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. c. P13, 1990.


To seek relief from Section 6(3) – Zone Requirements of the Residential Type 1A (R2) Zone as to the creation of a residential infill parcel with an existing single detached dwelling.


  1. Minimum lot area of 356.87 m2 (3,841.32 ft.2) for the proposed severed parcel;
  2. Minimum front yard depth of 6.61 m (21.69 ft.) for the proposed severed parcel; and,
  3. Minimum rear yard depth of 6.63 m (21.75 ft.) for the proposed severed parcel.



The requested variance is minor in nature, desirable and maintains the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan and Zoning By-law. The Application satisfies the four tests for Minor Variances as set out in Section 45 of the Planning Act.


No public comments were received in support of or against the application, the effect of which resulted in a decision to approve the application.

TAKE NOTICE THAT the applicant or any other specified person or public body who has an interest in the matter may within 20 days of the date of decision appeal to the Tribunal against the decision of the committee by filing with the Secretary-Treasurer of the Committee a notice of appeal setting out the objection to the decision and the reasons in support of the objection accompanied by payment to the secretary-treasurer of the fee charged by the Tribunal as payable on an appeal from a committee of adjustment to the Tribunal.

If no Notice of Appeal has been received by the last day for filing an appeal, the Decision of the Committee becomes final and binding.

We, the undersigned, concur in the Decision and the Reasons of the Committee of Adjustment:

J. Couckuyt – Chair, Aylmer Committee of Adjustment

Committee Member J. Rauhe – In favour – Original to be signed

Committee Member W. Vanraes – In favour – Original to be signed

Committee Member J. Chapman – In favour – Original to be signed

Committee Member K. Desrosiers – In favour – Original to be signed

Committee Member A. Oslach – In favour – Original to be signed

Committee Member P. Barbour – In favour – Original to be signed

Date of Decision:        Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Date of Notice:            Thursday, March 16, 2023

Last Day of Appeal:    Wednesday, April 5, 2023

I, Josh Brick, Secretary-Treasurer of the Committee of Adjustment of the Corporation of the Town of Aylmer, certify that the above is a true copy of the Decision.

Josh Brick Secretary-Treasurer, Aylmer Committee of Adjustment

For a signed copy of this Notice of Decision, please click here.

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