Online Services/Forms
General Contact Form
The general contact form allows members of the public to submit any inquiry to municipal staff for response. Inquiries are generally promptly responded to during business hours. All inquiries are welcome, although you may wish to use the forms below.
Service Request Form
The service request form allows members of the public to submit requests for services or assistance from the Town of Aylmer related to parks, recreation, roads, sidewalks, garbage, recycling, streetlights, trees, water, sewers, and flooding. If you submit a service request form, you will receive a follow-up email when the ticket is closed.
If your request is urgent, please call (519) 773-3164 for assistance.
The Town of Aylmer strives at all times to provide its goods and services in a way that respects the dignity and independence of all people. The Town of Aylmer is also committed to giving people with disabilities the same opportunity to access our goods and services and allowing them to benefit from the same services, in the same place and in a similar way as other customers.
Building permits are required for the construction or alteration of any building occupying an area greater than 15 square metres (161 ft²). Building permits are also required for the construction of:
- decks higher than 24” above grade
- installation/repair of sewer lines
- swimming pool fencing/protection
- additional residential units
- special event tents larger than 60 square metres (645 ft²)
- wall/ground sign structures
A building permit is not required for the following projects:
- property line fences (unless it protects a swimming pool)
- roofing replacement (asphalt shingles, steel roofing)
- exterior siding replacement
- window & door replacement
For any inquiries or to confirm whether or not you require a building permit, please contact the Building Department.
“Milestone” birthdays and anniversaries, and other specific achievements may be recognized with a Certificate from the Town.
- Fire Code Inspection Form
- Property File Search Form
- Property Notes Form
- Public Education Request Form
- Fire Code Violation/Open Air Burning Complaint Form
- Application to Display Fireworks
- Application to Sell Fireworks
The Alcohol and Gaming Commission (AGCO) is responsible for administering the lottery licensing program in the province. Municipalities and the AGCO are responsible for issuing lottery licences to eligible charitable and religious organizations. Eligible charitable and religious organizations may raise funds through provincially or municipally licensed lottery events.
Lottery licensing refers to lottery schemes permitted by a licence under the Criminal Code of Canada. Typically, these may include bingos, raffles, break open tickets and social gaming events held by charitable or religious organizations. In Ontario, Order in Council 1413/08 authorizes the licensing framework for eligible charitable or religious organizations to hold lottery events and sets out the limits of municipal and provincial licensing. Licensed charitable or religious organizations must conduct and manage their events in accordance with licensing policies and the terms and conditions of the licences and fulfill all prescribed reporting requirements. Information on conducting and managing lottery events can be found in Lottery Licensing Policy Manual, which provides an outline of the legal and policy framework and administrative procedures for lottery licensing purposes.
At their regular meeting on October 15, 2018, the Council of the Town of Aylmer approved the following definition for an Event of Municipal Significance:
A one time, annual or infrequently occurring event that is open to the public and has a predetermined opening and closing date and time, which:
- Has local, regional, national or international historical or cultural significance; or,
- Builds awareness of diverse cultures; or,
- Has a charitable aspect, that sees profits or portion of profits going to local charities; or,
- If fundraising in nature, the proceeds will benefit local residents or the community at large.
Upon submission, this form is reviewed by the Clerk and is circulated to the Fire Department, Police Department, Building Department, By-Law Enforcement and Southwestern Public Health Unit for information.
These forms are available to follow for online submission of planning applications. Submissions may still require mailed payment or in-person attendance at Townhall. Please review the form for completion and instructions and contact staff for assistance if required.
- Minor Variance Application Form
- Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment Form
- Application to Establish Legal Non-Conforming Use
- Site Plan Approval Application
- Site Alteration & Grading Application Form
- Zoning Request Form
Email Delivery of Tax Notices
Pre-Authorized Payment Plan – Property Taxes
Correction to Assessment Roll
The Alcohol and Gaming Commission (AGCO) oversees the service of alcohol in Ontario. The service of alcohol is dependent upon the nature of the event and the number of people expected to attend. The AGCO issues Special Occasion Permits (SOPs) when alcohol is offered for sale or is served anywhere other than a licensed establishment or private place.
Public Event SOPs may be issued for events that are open to the general public, such as charity fundraisers, outdoor street festivals and community events. These permits can be issued:
- To registered charities,
- To non-profit organizations whose object is to promote charitable, educational, religious or community objects, or
- For events of municipal, provincial, national or international significance,
- For a tailgate event held at outdoor premises that are at ground level, where the event is held in connection with, and in proximity to, a live professional, semi-professional or post-secondary sporting event.
An event of municipal significance requires a designation by the municipality in which the event will take place. Applications to the AGCO must be accompanied by either a municipal resolution or a letter from a delegated municipal official designating the event as municipally significant.
The confidential municipal complaint form allows members of the public to submit complaints about by-laws or fire code violations. Complaints are reviewed and responded to by the Town. If you submit a complaint, you will receive a follow up email when the matter is addressed.
The Town of Aylmer offers civil marriage ceremonies.
For more information, please review the Town of Aylmer Civil Marriage Ceremony Package.
Council and Committee meetings are open to the public. Everyone is welcome to attend. See the following Delegations information.
Individuals or delegations wishing to address Council are asked to submit the request in writing, to the Clerk, by the Agenda deadline, or sooner. It is important to outline details of the delegation request, and to include supporting documentation, in advance of the meeting so that this information will be included on the Agenda. It is suggested that all groups appoint one person to act as a spokesperson.
The Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA) provides individuals with a right of access to general records held by municipalities and records containing an individual’s own personal information. MFIPPA also requires municipalities to protect personal information contained in their record holdings. These requirements are outlined in a set of rules governing the collection, use, disclosure and retention of personal information maintained by municipal governments.
Please complete the Marriage License form before attending the municipal office to obtain a marriage license.
Appointments are requested.
Click the link below to learn more about marriage license requirements, civil marriage ceremonies at Town Hall and to access the marriage license form.
- Baseball Diamond Rental Form
- Pavilions/Palmer Park Rental Form
- Rental Cancellation Form
- Request for Base Rental Fee Waiver Form
- Service Request Form
Proclamation requests may be submitted on the form linked below by in person, by mail ,or email to the Town Council via the Town Clerk. The request will be placed on a Council Agenda to be considered by Council, and if approved, the proclamation will be posted on the Town’s website and on the Town’s bulletin board located at Town Hall.
- Old Town Hall Rental
- Baseball Diamond Rental Form
- Pavilions/Palmer Park Rental Form
- Rental Cancellation Form
- Request for Base Rental Fee Waiver Form
Duuo Insurance Instructions
Lions Pavilion – 27 Tarry Parkway Aylmer ON N5H 3H8
A Tax Certificate can be requested at a cost of $65.00. This certificate provides all the information available in the Property Assessment Roll as well as current owner and taxation information. Please provide a minimum notice of five business days when requesting Tax Certificates, to allow sufficient time for staff to process and reply to your requests. Verbals will not be provided and fax requests will not be processed until funds are received.
Please send requests by mail or drop off in person at:
46 Talbot St. W.
Aylmer, ON
N5H 1J7
A zoning certificate provides zoning information available in the Town’s Zoning By-law and Official Plan, current owner, and if there are work orders outstanding.
- Zoning Certificates are $65.00.
- Please allow a minimum of 5 business days to process your request.
- A Certificate can be requested through the Clerk’s Office.
Please send your form and payment to:
Town of Aylmer
46 Talbot St W
Aylmer ON N5H 1J7
Verbal confirmations will not be provided and fax requests will not be processed until funds are received.