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Building Department

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Community Improvement Plan (CIP) Zoning Certificates

Building Department

The Building Department is responsible for issuing building permits and enforcement of the Building Code Act as well as other applicable by-laws.

Contact Town of Aylmer Staff

Chief Building Official/Facilities Manager
46 Talbot Street West, Aylmer, ON N5H 1J7
519-773-3164 ext: 4902

Building Permits

Building permits are required for the construction or alteration of any building occupying an area greater than 15 square metres (161 ft²). Building permits are also required for the construction of:

  • decks higher than 24” above grade
  • installation/repair of sewer lines
  • swimming pool fencing/protection
  • additional residential units
  • special event tents larger than 60 square metres (645 ft²)
  • wall/ground sign structures

A building permit is not required for the following projects:

  • property line fences (unless it protects a swimming pool)
  • roofing replacement (asphalt shingles, steel roofing)
  • exterior siding replacement
  • window & door replacement

For any inquiries or to confirm whether or not you require a building permit, please contact the Building Department.

Building Permit Fees

Building permit fees are set out in By-Law 72-12 Building By-Law.

Please review the by-law for details.

Development Charges

Development charges may also apply to building permits. These charges are set out in By-Law 78-21.

Click here to review the current year’s rates.

The Ontario Building Code allows for the following timelines for the issuance of permits:

Decks, additions etc – 10 business days
Residences, single, detached, semi – 10 business days
Commercial, Industrial, Institutional – 20 business days

The following is an example of the documentation that may be required to obtain a building permit. Further documentation may be required depending on the project.


  • Completed Building Permit Application
  • Completed Schedule 1 Form
  • Energy Efficiency Design Summary (for new homes or home additions only)
  • HVAC Design including heat gain/loss calculations (for new homes only or home additions only)
  • 2 sets of building design drawings


  • Completed Building Permit Application
  • Completed GRCC Form
  • SB-10 Documents
  • 2 sets of design drawings

Apply for a Building Permit

Please use the online building permit application form linked below.

Larger drawings will need to be dropped off at Town Hall or mailed.

For questions or more information regarding Building Permits, please call 519-773-3164 x 4902.

Building Permit Application

Quick Guides & FAQs

When is a building permit required for a residential home?

The construction of all buildings and structures greater than 15m² in area and all buildings that contain plumbing require a permit. A permit is also required for any addition to an existing structure. Buildings smaller that 15m² do not require a permit; however, zoning requirements such as setbacks and lot coverage still apply. Certain renovations and alterations to existing buildings also require a permit. Some examples are:

  • New window and door openings
  • Installation of new plumbing
  • Installation or alteration of wood burning appliances
  • Finishing basements
  • Creation of new suites (duplex/apartment)

If you are uncertain if you require a permit, please contact the Building Department.


The Town of Aylmer Zoning By-Law contains regulations governing the size, height, location and use of residential buildings. The zoning by-law is available online on the Town’s website. If your proposed design does not meet the zoning by-law, you will be required to apply for a minor variance. The minor variance process is a method to seek relief through a Committee of Adjustment when certain circumstances do not allow you to meet the requirements of the zoning by-law.


Aside from complying with the Town Zoning By-Law, other restrictions may apply to your property. The following are examples of approvals that may be required before a permit can be issued.

  • Catfish Creek Conservation Authority (CCCA Regulatory Zone)
  • Ministry of Transportation (Highway 3)
  • Elgin County (Country Rd 73)

Drawing requirements for a building permit application (please submit 2 copies):

A Schedule 1 form must be filled out with every permit application that does not involve an engineer or architect. This form indicates that the drawings were prepared by a qualified and/or registered designer. However, homeowners are exempt from the required qualifications and may prepare their own drawings for residential dwellings and accessory buildings. A Schedule 1 form must also accompany all HVAC designs.

  1. Site plan indicating:
    • Setback dimensions
    • Existing structures on property
    • Proposed lot grading elevations *Required for new home construction only.
  2. Foundation plan indicating:
    • Footings, piers & foundation wall sizes
    • Slab design & building anchorage
  3. Floor Plan indicating:
    • General dimensions
    • Structural framing
    • Door & window locations
  4. Roof plan indicating:
    • Truss layout or roof framing
  5. Building cross section indicating:
    • Building height
    • Wall construction
    • Foundation details
  6. Exterior elevations indicating:
    • Building heights
    • Cladding/finish materials
    • Door and window locations
  7. HVAC design including:
    • Duct layout
    • Heat gain/loss calculations
    • Ventilation summary
    • Completed EEDS (Energy Efficiency Design Summary) form


The cost of the permit varies depending on the type of building and work being done. Pleaser refer to the Town’s Building By-Law 72-12 for details. Click here to view By-law 72-12. We accept cash, cheque and debit as methods of payment. This includes the review of drawings, the building permit and building inspections

Required Building Inspections:

Building inspections are available Monday through Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. *Please book in advance.

  • Connection of site services (water/storm/sanitary)
  • Excavation/Footing inspection – once the holes have been dug, but prior to concrete being poured
  • Foundation – once the foundation has been poured, prior to backfilling
  • Underground plumbing – with air or water test
  • Above grade plumbing – with air or water test
  • HVAC rough in
  • Structural framing inspection
  • Insulation air/vapour barrier
  • Occupancy inspection – before occupying the building

Important Numbers to Know:

  • ON1CALL – Ontario One Call (natural gas, sewer/water lines, hydro) 1-800-400-2255 or directly to:
  • ERTH Power (hydro) 1-877-850-3128
  • Eastlink (telephone internet/cable) 1-888-345-1111
  • EPCOR (gas) 519-773-5321
  • Town of Aylmer (water/sewer) 519-773-4908

When is a building permit required for a deck?

The construction of all decks 24” and greater above grade and all covered decks require a building permit. This applies to all new decks as well additions and modifications to existing decks. Decks lower than 24” above grade do not require a building permit however, zoning requirements such as setbacks still apply.

Drawing requirements for a building permit application (please submit 2 copies):

  1. Site plan indicating:
    • Setback dimensions
    • Existing structures on property
  2. Deck drawings (must be fully noted and dimensioned):
    • Plan view showing foundations, posts, floor joists, beams, stairs, landings
    • Side view showing height of deck and guard

Guards/Railings (for decks 24” or higher):

All guards must comply with the construction requirements of OBC Div. B 9.8.8 and Supplementary Standard SB-7. Should you plan on installing anything other than an approved guard/railing, please submit a copy of the Pre-Engineered guard/railing design with your building permit application. Typically, you can receive this package of details from the supplier. Guards are also required to be non-climbable with no horizontal framing members between 5½” and 35” above the deck surface.
NOTE: Hollow plastic or vinyl guards/railings are not permitted.


All decks require proper footings/foundations that have a minimum depth of 48” below grade. Deck blocks may be used only when:

  • The deck is not attached to the house.
  • The distance from the finished ground to the underside of the floor joists does not exceed 23½”.

Approved Decking Materials (for decks 24″ or higher):

  • 3/4” wood decking
  • CWS Composite Decking
  • Duradek Boards
  • Brite Composite DeckingNexwood Composite Decking
  • Trex Wood-Polymer Composite Decking
  • Eon Composite Decking System
  • Baleboard Poly Decking
  • FORMADECK Vinyl Deck Boards
  • NCP Euroboard, Enviroboard, Northern Life Decking
  • Gorilla Deck PVC Deck Boards


The cost of the permit is $250.00. We accept cash, cheque and debit as methods of payment. This includes the review of drawings, the building permit and building inspections.

Required Inspections:

Building inspections are available Monday through Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. *Please book in advance.

  • Excavation/Footing inspection – once the holes have been dug, but prior to concrete being poured
  • Structural Wood Frame inspection – once the framing is complete (posts, beams, joists)
  • Final building inspection – When the deck and guard/railing are complete

Important Numbers to Know:

  • ON1CALL – Ontario One Call (natural gas, sewer/water lines, hydro) 1-800-400-2255 or directly to:
  • ERTH Power (hydro) 1-877-850-3128
  • Eastlink (telephone internet/cable) 1-888-345-1111
  • EPCOR (gas) 519-773-5321
  • Town of Aylmer (water/sewer) 519-773-4949

Is a building permit required to build a pool?

A building permit is required to build a pool on your property. Prior to excavating for, erecting or constructing a privately-owned outdoor swimming pool, a builder must submit an application and drawings. The pool must meet the general provisions of the Aylmer Zoning By-Law. Click here to view the swimming pools section of the by-law.

Every open swimming pool having a water depth of 0.6m or more must be enclosed by a fence and gate meeting the requirements outlined in the Town’s fence by-law (By-law 23-17). Click here to view the by-law. 

A site alteration permit is also required for pool installation that results in the removal of soil or placement of fill. Click here to view the Site Alteration by-law. A Site Alteration Permit can be completed online here.

Drawing requirements for a building permit application:

  1. A site plan indicating:
    • Location of the pool
    • Location of all other structures on the lot
  2. Types of materials to be used for fencing and gates
  3. Height and construction design

Standard Requirements for Private Open Swimming Pools:

  • Location: interior side yard or rear yard
  • Pool should not be located closer than 1.5m to any lot line or street
  • Pumps and filters must be located closer than 3m to any lot line
  • Maximum height of an above ground pool: 2m
  • Maximum height of an above ground pool plus related structure(s): 5m
  • Enclosed with a fence and gate

Standards Requirements for Fencing of Privately-Owned Outdoor Swimming Pools:

  • Minimum 1.5m in height.
  • Maximum height of privacy fence with lattice: 1.1m with 12” lattice (see Schedule D)
  • Maximum height of privacy fence without lattice: 2.1m 

Approved Fence Composition:

  • Chain link, 38mm x 38mm
  • Solid Wood Board Fence (see Schedule B)
    • 25-50mm vertical board spacing 
    • Minimum 1.1m horizontal board spacing
    • For above ground pools, the sides of the pool must be a minimum of 1.1m above grade and the spacing of the fence cannot exceed 100mm between boards (see Schedule E)
      • Wood Shadow Fencing (see Schedule B)
        • Spacing of vertical boards does not exceed the width of the board being used
        • Minimum 1.1m horizontal board spacing
  • Wood Lattice for the top portion (see Schedule C)
    • If the max. height of the fence is 1.5m, the lattice cannot exceed 300mm
    • If the max. height of the fence is 1.8m, the lattice cannot exceed 600mm
  • Vertical Iron Bars
    • For above ground pools, the sides of the pool must be a minimum of 1.1m above grade and the spacing of the fence cannot exceed 100mm between bars (see Schedule E)
    • For in ground pools, the spacing of the bars cannot exceed 100mm between vertical bars and all horizontal rails must be a minimum of 1.1m apart (see Schedule E)
  • Gates or doors 
    • Minimum 1.5m in height
    • Capable of being locked
    • Provides only means of entry to the pool

*A dwelling, business or accessory building may be used to enclose a pool.
**A hedge shall not be used as a fence for the purposes of this by-law.
***Horizontal boards/bars should be facing inwards to the pool side of the fence unless they are spaced a minimum of 1.1m apart

Hot Tubs:

  • Fitted with a tight cover with a locking device OR
  • Protected with a 1.5m minimum height fence


The cost of the permit is $250.00. We accept cash, cheque and debit as methods of payment. This includes the review of drawings, the building permit and building inspections.

Required Inspections:

Building inspections are available Monday through Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. *Please book in advance.

  • Excavation/Footing inspection – once the holes have been dug, but prior to concrete being poured
  • Structural Wood Frame inspection – once the framing is complete (posts, beams, joists)
  • Final building inspection – When the project is complete

Important Numbers to Know:

  • ON1CALL – Ontario One Call (natural gas, sewer/water lines, hydro) 1-800-400-2255 or directly to:
  • ERTH Power (hydro) 1-877-850-3128
  • Eastlink (telephone internet/cable) 1-888-345-1111
  • EPCOR (gas) 519-773-5321
  • Town of Aylmer (water/sewer) 519-773-4949
Residents or developers planning to alter the grade of land within the Town limits will need to obtain a Site Alteration Permit for the works.
The Site Alteration Permit is a “no-fee” permit that will provide a description of the works and other information.
Examples of site alterations that will require a permit include but are not limited to:
  • Placement or dumping of fill on a property
  • Removal of soil from a property
  • Altering a swale, ditch or stormwater management feature
  • Placement of a pool
  • Major landscaping works

For further details, please see Site Alteration By-Law 45-23

Any questions should be directed to the Director of Infrastructure at 519-773-3164 ext. 4927.

Site Alteration Application

When is a building permit required for an accessory building?

The construction of all buildings and structures greater than 15m²  in area and all buildings that contain plumbing require a permit. A permit is also required for any addition to an existing structure. Buildings smaller that 15m² do not require a permit however, zoning requirements such as setbacks and lot coverage still apply.


The Town of Aylmer Zoning By-Law contains regulations governing the size, height, location and use of residential buildings. The zoning by-law is available online on the Town’s website. If your proposed design does not meet the zoning by-law, you will be required to apply for a minor variance. The minor variance process is a method to seek relief through a Committee of Adjustment when certain circumstances do not allow you to meet the requirements of the zoning by-law.

Standard Accessory Building Zoning Requirements:

  • Max. accessory building lot coverage 15%
  • Max. accessory building size 75m² (807ft²)
  • Max. accessory building height 5.5m (18ft) to peak


Aside from complying with the Town Zoning By-Law, other restrictions may apply to your property. The following are examples of approvals that may be required before a permit can be issued.

  • Catfish Creek Conservation Authority (CCCA Regulatory Zone)
  • Ministry of Transportation (Highway 3)
  • Elgin County (Country Rd 73)

Other Requirements:

  • Buildings less than 55m² (592ft²) in floor area and not more than one storey in height may be supported on a floating concrete slab as opposed to 4’-0” deep foundations. Floating slabs greater than 55m2 are allowed but must be designed by a professional engineer.
  • LVL details and pre-engineered truss drawings must be stamped by a professional engineer and be provided to the building inspector upon framing inspection.

Drawing requirements for a building permit application (please submit 2 copies):

A Schedule 1 form must be filled out with every permit application that does not involve an engineer or architect. This form indicates that the drawings were prepared by a qualified and/or registered designer. However, homeowners are exempt from the required qualifications and may prepare their own drawings for residential dwellings and accessory buildings.

  1. Site plan indicating:
    • Setback dimensions
    • Existing structures on property
  2. Foundation plan indicating:
    • Footings, piers & foundation wall sizes
    • Slab design & building anchorage
  3. Floor Plan indicating:
    • General dimensions
    • Structural framing
    • Door & window locations
  4. Roof plan indicating:
    • Truss layout or roof framing
  5. Building cross section indicating:
    1. Building height
    2. Wall construction
    3. Foundation details


The cost of the permit is $200 for buildings up to 300ft² and $0.666/ft² for every foot over 300. There is a 25% stabilization reserve charge added to all fees. We accept cash, cheque and debit as methods of payment. This includes the review of drawings, the building permit and building inspections.

Required Building Inspections:

Building inspections are available Monday through Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. *Please book in advance.

  • Excavation/Footing inspection – once the holes have been dug, but prior to concrete being poured
  • Foundation – once the foundation has been poured, prior to backfilling
  • Structural Wood Frame inspection – once the framing is complete (posts, beams, joists)
  • Final building inspection – When the shed is complete

Important Numbers to Know:

  • ON1CALL – Ontario One Call (natural gas, sewer/water lines, hydro) 1-800-400-2255 or directly to:
  • ERTH Power (hydro) 1-877-850-3128
  • Eastlink (telephone internet/cable) 1-888-345-1111
  • EPCOR (gas) 519-773-5321
  • Town of Aylmer (water/sewer) 519-773-4949

Is a building permit required to build a fence?

Permits are not required to build a fence on your property; however, builders are responsible for ensuring that their fence satisfies the requirements outlined in the Town’s division and privacy fence by-law (By-law 37-17). Click here to view the by-law.

If you are installing a pool, please note that it must be secured by a fence and gate meeting the requirements outlined in the Town’s fence by-law (By-law 23-17). Click here to view the by-law.

Standards Requirements for Fences:

  • Side and rear fences must be no more than 1.8 meters high.
  • Front yard fences must be no more than 0.9 meters high.
  • Structural supports of wooden fences must not be visible from adjacent properties, nor from the street.
  • Privacy hedges and shrubbery are considered fencing and as such must be maintained in such a way as to satisfy the maximum height requirements outlined above.
  • If the property is located on a corner lot, sight triangle restrictions may apply.

Important Numbers to Know:

  • ON1CALL – Ontario One Call (natural gas, sewer/water lines, hydro) 1-800-400-2255 or directly to:
  • ERTH Power (hydro) 1-877-850-3128
  • Eastlink (telephone internet/cable) 1-888-345-1111
  • EPCOR (gas) 519-773-5321
  • Town of Aylmer (water/sewer) 519-773-4949

When is a building permit required for sign?

A permit is required for all sign structures that meet one of the following:

  1. Ground signs exceeding 7.5m in height (24’-6”).
  2. Projecting wall signs greater than 115kg (254lbs).
  3. Roof signs with an area greater than 10m² (108ft²).
  4. Any sign attached to a parapet.

Documents required for a building permit application:

  • Building permit application.
  • General review commitment certificate completed by an engineer or architect.
  • Site plan drawing (an aerial photo or hand sketch is acceptable) indicating the sign location on site or any buildings.
  • Design drawings stamped by engineer or architect. Must also include sign graphics to be displayed.

NOTE: All sign graphics and sign locations must meet the requirements set out in the Town of Aylmer’s sign by-law (By-law 22-99).


The cost of a sign permit is a flat rate of $250.00. We accept cash, cheque and debit as methods of payment. This includes the review of drawings, the permit and inspections.

Required Building Inspections:

  • Footing inspection once the foundation holes for ground signs have been dug, prior to concrete being poured.
  • Final sign inspection when the sign framing is complete and graphics are installed.

Important Numbers to Know:

  • ON1CALL – Ontario One Call (natural gas, sewer/water lines, hydro) 1-800-400-2255 or directly to:
  • ERTH Power (hydro) 1-877-850-3128
  • Eastlink (telephone internet/cable) 1-888-345-1111
  • EPCOR (gas) 519-773-5321
  • Town of Aylmer (water/sewer) 519-773-4949

When is a building permit required for tent?

As per the Ontario Building Code, a permit is required for all special event tents or groups of tents unless they meet all of the following exemptions:

  1. Not more than 60m² (645ft²) in aggregate ground area.
  2. Not attached to a building.
  3. Constructed more than 3m (9′-10″) from other structures.

Documents required for a building permit application:

  • Building permit application.
  • General review commitment certificate completed by design engineer. *Required only for tents larger than 225 square meters.
  • Site plan drawing (an aerial photo or hand sketch is acceptable) indicating the location of the tent relative to property lines and other structures.
  • Supporting frame structure and anchorage system design drawings stamped by design engineer. *Required only for tents larger than 225 square meters.
  • Flame retardant certificate confirming fabric meets CAN/ULC-S109M & NFPA-701 requirements.
  • Fire safety plan noting the location of fire extinguishers, emergency exists and lighting, as well as occupancy load. *Must be provided to the Fire Chief prior to occupancy of the tent.


The cost of a tent permit is a flat rate of $250.00. We accept cash, cheque and debit as methods of payment. This includes the review of drawings, the permit and inspections.

Required Building Inspections:

Inspections by the Building and Fire departments are required once the tent is erected prior to occupancy.

Important Numbers to Know:

  • ON1CALL – Ontario One Call (natural gas, sewer/water lines, hydro) 1-800-400-2255 or directly to:
  • ERTH Power (hydro) 1-877-850-3128
  • Eastlink (telephone internet/cable) 1-888-345-1111
  • EPCOR (gas) 519-773-5321
  • Town of Aylmer (water/sewer) 519-773-4949

Property Standards

The Town’s Zoning By-law 57-99 restricts the storage of recreational vehicles in residential zones. Recreational vehicles are NOT permitted to be parked and /or stored in a driveway of a residential property for more than seven (7) consecutive days from May 1 to October 31, after which time the vehicle must be stored in the rear yard or within a garage or other approved structure.

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