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Elk Street Project Design

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At their April 5, 2023 meeting, the Council of the Town of Aylmer endorsed the proposed design of Elk Street – John Street South to Talbot Street East, as per the Elk Street Traffic Calming and Cycling Facility Review, Technical Memo, by Paradigm Transportation Solutions. Details of the review are below:

Elk Street Project Design

Paradigm Transportation Solutions Limited (Paradigm) was retained by the Town of Aylmer to undertake a Traffic Calming and Cycling Facility Review as part of the planned project to reconstruct Elk Street, between John Street and Talbot Street East. The review included:

  • An assessment of background policy and planning decisions which provide the context for the approach to accommodating the needs of the various users of Elk Street;
  • A review of traffic volumes, speeds, parking demands, pedestrian movement patterns and on-street parking use in the corridor;
  • An assessment and evaluation of different types of cycling facilities suitable for Elk Street based on prevailing standards;
  • A review of traffic calming measures suitable for use on Elk Street utilizing best practices in use in jurisdictions across Ontario; and
  • A review and evaluation of various cross section design concepts to guide the final recommended design for the corridor.

Paradigm’s Proposed Recommendations

After a careful review of the background information, context and prevailing conditions on Elk Street the following recommendations by Paradigm are presented for consideration as part of the planned reconstruction of Elk Street:

  1. Add missing sidewalks
  2. Provide 3.0 m wide Multi-Use Path on North Boulevard
  3. Reduce Curb Radius at all intersections
  4. Provide Curb extensions at Melanie Drive, Queen Street and Victoria Street intersections
  5. Add continuous solid yellow center line
  6. Use “Ladder Style” Crosswalks/”Cross Ride Style” Crosswalks (on Trail)
  7. Add 2 “Type D” Pedestrians Crossovers (PXO) at Queen Street and Victoria Street
  8. Restrict Parking with 15 m of crosswalks
  9. Narrow lane width to 3.3 m
  10. Provide 2.2 m parking lane on south side
    – designed as a parking bay in conjunction with curb extensions
  11. Incorporate gateway treatment into redesign of Elk Street/Talbot Street East intersection
    – 3.0 m median, signage, plantings
  12. Work with MTO to seek approval for realignment of Elk Street/Talbot Street intersection
  13. Eliminate westbound right turn lane at Victoria Street
  14. Incorporate accessibility standards at all crosswalks
    – depressed curb ramps, tactile indicator plates, etc.


20230405-Report-OPNS 09-23 Elk Street Project Design

20230405-Report-OPNS 09-23 Elk Street Traffic Calming and Cycling Facility Review – Technical memo -2023-03-27

Recommended Design Concept

John Street Intersection
Melanie Drive to Queen Street
Talbot Street East Intersection
Victoria Street Intersection

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