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Freedom of Information

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Freedom of Information

The Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA) provides individuals with a right of access to general records held by municipalities and records containing an individual’s own personal information. MFIPPA also requires municipalities to protect personal information contained in their record holdings. These requirements are outlined in a set of rules governing the collection, use, disclosure and retention of personal information maintained by municipal governments.   

The Town of Aylmer holds a variety of records outlined in the Town’s records classification system. Refer to the classification system to aid your search and determine if the Town has custody and control of the records you are seeking. Requests for records held by another institution will be referred back to the requester with instruction on the appropriate records holder:

The Town of Aylmer has numerous public records available through the Town’s Civicweb Document Library:

If you are seeking a Town of Aylmer record, please contact either the Clerk or Deputy Clerk by mail, phone or e-mail through the below address:

Director of Legislative Services/Clerk | Town of Aylmer
46 Talbot Street West, Aylmer, ON N5H 1J7  
519-773-3164 Ext. 4913

Records in the custody and control of the Town of Aylmer may be accessible to the public without submitting a formal access request.

Requests for your own property file is considered routine access without associated costs unless the request is for a large property file with many records or the request would require many search hours to complete. Any previous property owner information would also be removed before release.

Your request will be reviewed and determined the type of request that should be submitted. It is important to note that the rules governing access and privacy under MFIPPA apply to both formal and informal requests for information.

Fire Incident Reports and Fire Property Search requests are directly delivered to Town of Aylmer Fire Department:

Town of Aylmer
46 Talbot Street West
Aylmer ON N5H 1J7

Requests can also be submitted using this online form: Property File Search 

Please note that payment must be received before the request can be processed.

Phone (519) 773-3164 Fax (519) 773-3292

Fire Chief
Chief Todd McKone
Direct Line: (519) 773-4905

Fire Incident Reports and Fire Property Search requests have an application fee. Please refer to the annual User Fee By-Law for up to date fees.

Formal requests are also addressed to the Clerk. All MFIPPA formal requests must be made in writing and be accompanied by a $5.00 mandatory application fee made payable to the Town of Aylmer. Cheque payments are accepted by mail. Cash and debit only payments are accepted in-person at the 46 Talbot Street West Aylmer ON N5H 1J7.

FOI Request Form

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