Legislative Services
Legislative Services
The primary role of the Clerk is to perform the statutory duties assigned to the position by provincial legislation (the Municipal Act and other related Acts and Regulations) and Council. The Office of the Clerk oversees and manages a variety of administrative and legislative functions for the Town, including Council Secretariat, the Municipal Election, Licensing, Records Management, Freedom of Information, Civil Marriage Solemnization and Division Registrar.
Links to Legislative Services:
- 2022 Municipal Election
- Agendas and Minutes for Council and Committees
- By-Laws
- By-Law Enforcement
- Commissioner of Oaths
- Communications
- Declarations of Pecuniary Interest Index
- Lottery Licences
- Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOI)
- Municipally Significant Designation Request
- Marriage Licence and Civil Ceremonies
- Permits
- Proclamations
- Town Council