Municipally Significant Event
Special Occasion Permits and the Alcohol and Gaming Commission
The Alcohol and Gaming Commission (AGCO) oversees the service of alcohol in Ontario. The service of alcohol is dependent upon the nature of the event and the number of people expected to attend. The AGCO issues Special Occasion Permits (SOPs) when alcohol is offered for sale or is served anywhere other than a licensed establishment or private place.
Public Event SOPs may be issued for events that are open to the general public, such as charity fundraisers, outdoor street festivals and community events. These permits can be issued:
- To registered charities,
- To non-profit organizations whose object is to promote charitable, educational, religious or community objects, or
- For events of municipal, provincial, national or international significance,
- For a tailgate event held at outdoor premises that are at ground level, where the event is held in connection with, and in proximity to, a live professional, semi-professional or post-secondary sporting event.
An event of municipal significance requires a designation by the municipality in which the event will take place. Applications to the AGCO must be accompanied by either a municipal resolution or a letter from a delegated municipal official designating the event as municipally significant.
Town of Aylmer Definition of “Municipally Significant”
At their regular meeting on October 15, 2018, the Council of the Town of Aylmer approved the following definition for an Event of Municipal Significance:
A one time, annual or infrequently occurring event that is open to the public and has a predetermined opening and closing date and time, which:
- Has local, regional, national or international historical or cultural significance; or,
- Builds awareness of diverse cultures; or,
- Has a charitable aspect, that sees profits or portion of profits going to local charities; or,
- If fundraising in nature, the proceeds will benefit local residents or the community at large.
To request an event be designated as municipally significant, please complete: Municipally Significant Designation – Request Form
Upon submission, this form is reviewed by the Clerk and is circulated to the Fire Department, Police Department, Building Department, By-Law Enforcement and Southwestern Public Health Unit for information.
To apply for a Special Occasion Permit from the Alcohol and Gaming Commission, please visit: