Planning and Development
The Town of Aylmer is responsible for both current development and long-term policy projects in the Town’s boundaries. You will find information below that can help you with your planning application, as well as details about ongoing projects.
Planning Team Contact Information
Primary Planning and Development Contact:
Manager of Planning and Development
Town Hall: 519-773-3164 ext: 4915
Supporting Staff:
Contact Townhall at 519-773-3164 ext 0 to have inquiries referred to other staff.
The Official Plan is the Town’s blueprint for the future. It contains maps that show where residential, commercial, recreational, and industrial development can go and what areas must be protected from development. An Official Plan Amendment is a formal document that changes the County’s Official Plan. Changes may be needed because of new circumstances in the County or because of a request made by property owners.
Download the Town of Aylmer Official Plan
Download the Town of Aylmer Official Plan Schedule A
Download the Town of Aylmer Official Plan Schedule B
Download the Town of Aylmer Official Plan Schedule C
The Zoning By-law is a regulatory document which implements the policy direction outlined in the County’s Official Plan. A Zoning By-law generally spells out how land and building may be used, where buildings and other structures may be located, and what constraints may be applicable to the development of a particular property. Significant changes to the Zoning By-law may require a Zoning By-law Amendment. Zoning by-laws are legally enforceable decisions of Council.
Contact the Manager of Planning and Development for availability.
- Manager of Planning and Development
- Phone: 519-773-3164 ext: 4915
Development Charges
Provincial Policy Statement, 2024
Wireless Installations on Municipal Property Policy
Elgin County GIS provides a public portal for lookup of zoning designation, lot lines, and Town boundaries. Residents and developer may use the site; Town Staff are available to assist with inquiries if you are unable to navigate the site:
Information provided in the Elgin County GIS is accurate to the best of our knowledge and is subject to change on a regular basis, without notice. While Elgin County GIS makes every effort to provide useful and accurate information, we do not warrant the information to be authoritative, complete, factual, or timely. Information is provided on an “as is” and an “as available” basis. The County of Elgin disclaims any liability, loss, injury, or damage incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, resulting from the use and application of any of the contents of this web site.
Town of Aylmer Council Meetings
Council meetings are open to the public. Public meetings do not require pre-registration. Members of the public may attend public meetings and speak to planning matters if they wish. Proceedings are web-streamed on the Town of Aylmer YouTube Channel.
Submit Written Input
Written correspondence to Council or other committee/boards can be submitted by e-mail or in person at Townhall (46 Talbot St E Aylmer, ON N5H 1H4).
Submit an Application
Depending on your project, you may need to submit a development application before you can get started. Learn more about each development application in the Town of Aylmer:
Please refer to the building department page for up to date information: Town of Aylmer Building Department
Building Contact:
Chief Building Official and Facility Manager
519-773-3164, Email
A Deeming By-Law removes lands (lots or blocks) from a registered plan of subdivision, providing the plan of subdivision has been registered for more than 8 years. A deeming by-law can remove all of the lots or blocks of land within a registered plan, or only some of the lots or blocks within a plan of subdivision. The effect of a deeming by-law is to merge two or more lots or blocks of lands within a plan of subdivision into one legally conveyable lot, under common ownership. Approval of a deeming by-law consolidates individual lots into one parcel of land. Generally this is required to allow development to occur, which would otherwise be constrained by lots lines traversing a site.
Deeming by-laws are typically used to merge lots from very old plans of subdivision, which no longer meet current zoning standards.
Prior to submitting an application, consultation with the Manager of Planning and Development is recommended to determine whether a deeming by-law is appropriate.
The application fee is $800.00 (see Fees and Charges By-law).
This application is a fillable form and includes an area signed in front of a Commissioner of Oaths and Affidavits. Commissioning is available at the Town of Aylmer Townhall.
Applications can be submitted electronically or by paper copy to the Manager of Planning and Development.
The Planning Act permits municipalities to pass by-laws to exempt any or all lots or blocks within registered plans of subdivision from part-lot control, so that further subdivision of individual lots of blocks can take place.
Exemption from part-lot control is commonly used to facilitate semi-detached and town-house developments.
Prior to submitting an application, consultation with the Manager of Planning and Development is recommended to determine whether exemption is appropriate.
The application fee is $800.00. Extensions or Repeal Requests are $400.00 (see Fees and Charges By-law).
Part Lot Exemption Application
This application is a fillable form and includes an area signed in front of a Commissioner of Oaths and Affidavits. Commissioning is available at the Town of Aylmer Townhall.
Applications can be submitted electronically or by paper copy to the Manager of Planning and Development.
A minor variance is a change or permission from the zoning regulations of the Municipality’s Zoning By-law. The minor variance process allows a property owner the opportunity to seek permission or relief from a specific zoning regulation of the Municipality’s Zoning By-law by applying to the Committee of Adjustment.
Other processes include the following:
- Extensions, enlargements or variations of existing legal non-conforming uses under the Zoning By-law; and,
- Determine whether a particular use conforms with the provisions of the Zoning By-law where the uses of land, buildings or structures permitted in the by-law are defined in general terms.
Application for a Minor Variance or Permission
This application is a fillable form and includes an area signed in front of a Commissioner of Oaths and Affidavits. Commissioning is available at the Town of Aylmer Townhall.
The application fee is $750.00 (see Fees and Charges By-law).
Applications can be submitted electronically or by paper copy to the Manager of Planning and Development.
Parks and public spaces play an important role in our Town. As Aylmer grows, the demand for parkland increases as well.
When new development or redevelopment happens, the Town can require one of the following:
- Dedication of land for parks or other public recreational purposes
- Payment called cash-in-lieu (CIL) of parkland
- Combination of parkland conveyance and a CIL of parkland payment
- The amount of parkland and CIL are calculated in accordance with the Town’s Parkland Conveyance By-law and the Planning Act.
Parkland Conveyance By-law and rates Council approved the new Parkland Conveyance By-law 01-22 on January 12, 2022. The by-law outlines the parkland conveyance requirements and CIL of parkland rates.
A permit is required to occupy or close a Town road, sidewalk or boulevard to conduct work or other activities. If you’re a contractor, developer, or homeowner planning an activity within the Town of Aylmer Right of Way, you must have a permit before work begins.
For further details, please see Town of Aylmer Road Occupancy By-Law 39-21
Any questions should be directed to the Director of Infrastructure at 519-773-3164 ext. 4927.
- Placement or dumping of fill on a property
- Removal of soil from a property
- Altering a swale, ditch or stormwater management feature
- Placement of a pool
- Major landscaping works
The Site Alteration Permit is a “no-fee” permit that will provide a description of the works and other information. The requirements of a permit will grant the Town the ability to ensure that:
- Unanticipated drainage and site alteration is prevented;
- Appropriate drainage patterns of the property are maintained;
- Interference and damage to watercourses or water bodies is limited;
- The use of hazardous and/or improper fill is prevented;
- Erosion or sedimentation is prevented.
Examples of what is required on a site or lot grading plan include:
- Property lines and dimensions
- Dimenions of any proposed or existing buildings or structure on-site
- Existing and proposed elevations of lot grading
- Spot elevations on the property lines
- All existing or proposed drains, swales, ditches, etc.
- Any utilities in the work area
- Any sit or erosion controls
For further details, please see Site Alteration By-Law 45-23
Any questions should be directed to the Director of Infrastructure at 519-773-3164 ext. 4927.
The Town of Aylmer Zoning By-law regulates the use of land, buildings and structures and the general use of property. It also protects environmentally and ecologically sensitive lands, natural heritage features and lands impacted by development.
It is recommend to review the Zoning By-law and Maps to identify which map and zoning information is applicable to your property.
Download the Town of Aylmer Zoning By-Law
Download the Town of Aylmer Zoning By-Law Maps
Application to amend the Zoning By-law:
After reviewing the Zoning for your property, if the use, building or structure you are proposing is not permitted on your property, you will require a zoning by-law amendment.
Zoning By-law Amendment Application
The application fee is $1,200.00 (see fees and charges).
This application is a fillable form and includes a area signed in front of a Commissioner of Oaths and Affidavits. Commissioning is available at the Town of Aylmer Townhall.
Applications can be submitted electronically or by paper copy to the Manager of Planning and Development.
The Consolidated Linear Infrastructure Environmental Compliance Approval (CLI ECA) is a new process governed by the Ministry of Environment, Conservation, and Parks. This approach is meant to streamline ECA applications for municipalities, developers, and the ministry while ensuring consistent requirements that improve environmental protection are met.
Click here for more information.
The Town of Aylmer has published the Design Guidelines Manual for use with municipal construction projects and private development within the Town. Updates to the Design Guidelines will be published on an annual basis.
Any questions or inquiries should be directed by email to the Director of Infrastructure.
In Ontario, lawfully existing uses may continue and cannot be ‘zoned’ out of existence.
However, in the Ontario Planning system, legal non-conforming uses are intended to cease to exist in the long run and eventually be replaced with uses that conform to current standards as set out in the Municipal Zoning By-law and Official Plan. The Planning Act governs how a Municipality’s Zoning By-laws can be used for regulating the use of land. Municipal Zoning Bylaws are updated and change over time in response to changing circumstances and new or updated Provincial policies such as the Provincial Policy Statement, Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan and Greenbelt Plan.
Provisions of the Planning Act (Section 45(2)) empower the Committee of Adjustment to authorize the expansion of buildings and structures associated with legal non-conforming uses, and some minor variation or more compatible continuation of legal non-conforming uses.
Legal non-complying use – where a use continues to be permitted by a successive zoning by-law but one or more of the physical land or building regulations (e.g. lot area, setbacks, height, coverage, etc.) have changed and the site no longer complies to the new zoning regulations.
Legal non-conforming use – a use that is not permitted in the current Zoning By-Law but lawfully existed under the previous zoning by-law that was in place.
Please note, legal non-conforming uses are based on the use(s) actually carried on, and not all of the uses from the previous zoning. Therefore, it is not sufficient to conclude that a use continues to be “commercial” or “industrial”. When seeking recognition of a commercial use, be specific. For example, a retail store that was lawfully in existence at the time the zoning by-law changed cannot necessarily be converted into a restaurant simply because both are commercial uses.
When do I need to establish a Legal Non-Conforming Use?
There are generally three (3) circumstances in which the Town may require completion of an
Application to Establish a Legal Non-Conforming Use for a piece of property and/or use:
- Committee of Adjustment application – when applying for a minor variance or consent
- Search of Record request made for a subject property
- By-law investigation
Forms of Evidence in Establishing Legal Non-Conforming Use
The Owner is responsible for providing evidence in support of legal non-conforming use claims.
Examples of forms of evidence that must be submitted as part of the Application include: explanatory cover letter, owner’s affidavit confirming use, neighbour’s affidavit(s), confirming use, property survey, property deed, building permit(s), tax records, business licence(s), business records / receipts, dated photograph(s), and dated aerial photo(s).
Staff will review submitted Applications to confirm a legal non-conforming use against all available Town records.
In all cases, the purpose of the evidence is to establish: the date from which the use was in place; the specific nature of the activity(ies); and the location, size, and use of all buildings and structures associated with use.
If you believe you require Legal Non-Conforming Use designation, please contact the Manager of Planning and Development for appropriate next steps.
Application to Establish Legal Non-Conforming Use
The application fee is $200.00 (see Fees and Charges By-law).
Applications can be submitted electronically or by paper copy to the Manager of Planning and Development. See contact information above.
The Official Plan for the Town of Aylmer is a planning document that includes a statement of goals, objectives, and policies for managing growth and development while protecting the environment and heritage characteristics of our community. It sets out a comprehensive framework for land use decision-making in our community.
Official Plan Text and Maps
Download the Town of Aylmer Official Plan
Applicant to Amend the Official Plan
After reviewing the Official Plan for your property, if the use, building, or structure you are proposing is not permitted on your property, you will require an Official Plan amendment.
Official Plan Amendment Application
This application is a fillable form and includes an area signed in front of a Commissioner of Oaths and Affidavits. Commissioning is available at the Town of Aylmer Townhall.
The application fee is $1,500.00 (see Fees and Charges By-law).
Applications can be submitted electronically or by paper copy to the Manager of Planning and Development.
Within a Zoning By-law, a holding zone (“H”) may be applied to properties that Council has approved to be used for future development in compliance with the zoning by-law. The holding zone shall restrict development on designated lands until certain conditions are met that would warrant development. The holding symbol can be removed from all or part of a property through a zoning by-law amendment.
Consultation with the Manager of Planning and Development is recommended prior to applying for removal of the holding symbol.
Removal of Holding Symbol Application
This application is a fillable form and includes an area signed in front of a Commissioner of Oaths and Affidavits. Commissioning is available at the Town of Aylmer Townhall.
The application fee is $500.00 (see Fees and Charges By-law).
Applications can be submitted electronically or by paper copy to the Manager of Planning and Development.
A consent (severance) application is required to create a new lot, add to an existing lot or give the right to use part of a lot.
Elgin County Land Division Committee is the approval authority for consents. Town of Aylmer Council is required to provide a recommendation to the Elgin County Land Division Committee for consents, as a commenting agency.
Planning Pre-application Consultation is required prior to application(s) submission with the Town of Aylmer and applicable agencies.
Application for Consent:
You are required complete and submit the Elgin County Land Division Committee Application for Consent to the Secretary-Treasurer of the Elgin County Land Division Committee. The application fee is $1,350.00 payable to Treasurer, County of Elgin. Please refer to the County of Elgin’s website below for more details.
Elgin County Land Division Committee Application for Consent.
Once the application is received by the County of Elgin, the Town of Aylmer will be notified.
If a new entrance is proposed with your application, you will be required as a condition of consent to apply for an entrance permit. Contact the Town of Aylmer Operations Department for more information.
If entrance is proposed on a County of Elgin Road, please see the County of Elgin’s website for more details.
Site Plans ensure that development proceeds as approved and to minimize impacts. It is a detailed plan of development that shows the location of buildings, services, driveways, walkways, parking, landscaping and how these related the surrounding land uses. Contact the Manager of Planning and Development to determine if your proposed development requires Site Plan Approval.
Pre-application Consultation is required prior to application(s) submission with the Town of Aylmer and applicable agencies.
Site Plan Control By-law 57-23
Application for Site Plan Approval:
The application fee is $1,500.00, as well as a non-refundable fee of $3,500 to cover engineering review costs (see fees and charges).
The online application is available below. Pre-consultation with the Manager of Planning and Development is recommended.
A fillable PDF version of the Site Plan Application is also available.
Under section 39 of the Planning Act, council may pass a by-law to authorize the temporary use of land, buildings or structures for any purpose that is otherwise prohibited in the zoning by-law.
A by-law permitting a temporary use shall define the area to which it applies and prescribe the period of time for which the temporary use shall be in effect.
The application for a Temporary Use By-law is processed in a similar manner as a zoning bylaw. The local municipality is the approval authority for a Temporary Use By-law.
Types of Temporary Use By-laws
There are generally two types of temporary use by-laws:
- Temporary use by-laws to zone land or buildings for a specific use for a maximum period of three years.
- Temporary use by-laws which permit the establishment of a garden suite for a period of up to 20 years. A “garden suite” means a one-unit detached residential structure containing bathroom and kitchen facilities that is ancillary to an existing residential structure and that is designed to be portable.
Time and Effect of Temporary Use By-laws
- Temporary use by-laws zone land or buildings for a specific use for a maximum of three years at a time, with further extensions (three years) possible.
- In cases of authorizing the temporary use of a garden suite the temporary by-law may allow it for a period not exceeding twenty years, with further extension (three years each renewal) possible.
Expiration of a Temporary Use By-law
Upon expiry of a Temporary Use By-law, uses permitted by that By-law must cease and cannot be considered as Non-Conforming Uses. It is the responsibility of the applicant or the owner of the property to renew the temporary use by-law prior to its expiration.
Development Agreement
In the case of a garden suite, council will require, as a condition of the temporary use by-law, that the owner of the garden suite or any other person enter into an agreement dealing with matters related to:
- The installation, maintenance and removal of the garden suite;
- The period of occupancy of the garden suite by any of the persons named in the agreement;
The monetary or other form of security that the council will require for actual or potential costs to the municipality related to the garden suite.
Consultation with the Manager of Planning and Development is recommended prior to applying for temporary use.
This application is a fillable form and includes an area signed in front of a Commissioner of Oaths and Affidavits. Commissioning is available at the Town of Aylmer Townhall.
The application fee is $800.00 (see Fees and Charges By-law). A refundable deposit may be charged.
Applications can be submitted electronically to the Manager of Planning and Development.
A zoning certificate provides zoning information available in the Town’s Zoning By-law and Official Plan, current owner, and if there are work orders outstanding.
- Zoning Certificates are $65.00.
- Please allow a minimum of 5 business days to process your request.
- A Certificate can be requested through the Clerk’s Office.
Please send your form and payment to:
Town of Aylmer
46 Talbot St W
Aylmer ON N5H 1J7
Verbal confirmations will not be provided and fax requests will not be processed until funds are received.
Current Applications and Public Participation
Public Notices
- Notice of Public Hearing – A01-25 – 555 John St NorthPLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town of Aylmer Committee of Adjustment will hold a Hybrid (in-person and virtual) Public Hearing on Wednesday, February 5th, 2025,… Continue reading Notice of Public Hearing – A01-25 – 555 John St North
- Notice of Passing – Housekeeping Amendment to the Town of Aylmer Zoning By-Law No. 57-99TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aylmer on the 4th day of December 2024 passed By-law No. 77-24, a… Continue reading Notice of Passing – Housekeeping Amendment to the Town of Aylmer Zoning By-Law No. 57-99
- Notice of Public Hearing – Minor Variance A06-24 – 187 John St NPLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town of Aylmer Committee of Adjustment will hold a Hybrid (in-person and virtual) Public Hearing on Wednesday, December 4th, 2024,… Continue reading Notice of Public Hearing – Minor Variance A06-24 – 187 John St N
- Notice of Public Meeting – Proposed Housekeeping Amendment to the Town of Aylmer Zoning By-Law NO. 57-99PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aylmer will hold a hybrid (in-person and virtual) public meeting on Wednesday,… Continue reading Notice of Public Meeting – Proposed Housekeeping Amendment to the Town of Aylmer Zoning By-Law NO. 57-99
- Notice of Passing – ZBA05-24 – 78 Spruce St WestTAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aylmer on the 14th day of August 2024 passed By-law No. 58-24, a… Continue reading Notice of Passing – ZBA05-24 – 78 Spruce St West
Application Information
- Development Activity Bi-annual Update 2024Development Activity Bi-annual Update 2024 The Building and Planning Departments of the Town of Aylmer have collaborated to prepare a report for Council that provides… Continue reading Development Activity Bi-annual Update 2024
- Application: Consent to Sever No. E13-24 36 Victoria Street NorthApplication: Consent to Sever No. E13-24 36 Victoria Street North Application Type Proposed Development The purpose of this application is to sever the subject lands… Continue reading Application: Consent to Sever No. E13-24 36 Victoria Street North
- Application: ZBA 07-23 – 210 Caverly RoadApplication: ZBA 07-23 – 210 Caverly Road Application Type Proposed Development The applicant proposes to rezone the subject lands from Residential Type 1B Zone (R1B)… Continue reading Application: ZBA 07-23 – 210 Caverly Road
- Application: A05-22 – 44 Beech St WestDownload Planning Report PLAN12-22 regarding application A05-22- regarding 44 Beech Street West Download comments from CN Comments received September 6, 2022
Submit Comments or Participate
Submit Written Input
Written correspondence to Council or other committee/boards can be submitted by email or in person at Townhall attention to the Manager of Planning and Development (46 Talbot St E Aylmer, ON N5H 1H4).
Attend a Public Meeting
Any member of the public can attend and speak at public meetings of Council. Planning applications generally include at least one public meeting where members of the public can provide feedback to Council or the Committee of Adjustment. Pre-registration is not required for in-person participation; if you wish to participate remotely, 24hrs notice provided to the Clerk or Deputy Clerk is requried.
Register to Participate or Provide a Delegation to Council
For matters without a scheduled public meeting, you can register to provide a delegation to Council or other committee/boards by email, in person at Townhall (46 Talbot St W N5H 1J7), or by calling 519-773-3164 ext 4913 (Deputy Clerk). Requests to provide delegation will be scheduled at the next appropriate meeting.